Friday, 20 February 2015

Echo Through Eternity

Inspite of afflictions of the heart
despite its protege called "Pain"
Let no man who ever loved
believe he loved in vain

For every thing you sow 
you need not always reap
let there be peace in letting go
and pride in choosing what to keep

You have felt the wind rush
when you soared high
You have survived the hollow depths
during the low tide
So if they chose to walk away
that shouldnt undermine you
The tag of " A Survivor" 
doesn't even begin to define you

They walked away from you in the dark
forget them in the light
But why admonish the love you held so dear?
Take control, take pride.

Being in a relationship is one thing
Loving them - another
The former ends when you end it
The latter involuntarily lasts forever

Whether you Hate the crime or Chide the lover 
what you had was more than some dispensable entity
Love on child, 
for how you loved  in this Life (not who)
Shall echo through eternity