Sunday, 26 May 2013

On slowing the fuck down

SO Dere,
Iv finally narrowed down on a particular course I want to do to supplement my Master's degree.I think the Science part of Science and all the experience requirements that admissions to these Govt. funded institutes ask for come with  is driving me plain nuts. Probably broading  my horizons and Getiing a taste of something new while still holding onto my love for science is precisely what i need. E
nrolment DONE(which bdw, was one HEEUGE bitch of an application)and i really do really feel lighter. I know this isnt really a life altering turn that i had desired,
but atleast my next 6 months (minimum) wont include fervently scrambling online like a fuckin retard  for  more/other/better options .

For the next few months, I’m giving 
myself permission to focus only working on my current degree including add-on courses, getting settled into my new room without the psycho ex-roommate, gorge on unhealthy but amazing junk foodstuff, watching series in MODERATION per day (fat chance but one can hope) go party-happy with girlfriends WITHOUT 
getting into a scene ( :P) and generally being happy and healthy.                  

All the other things -- figuring out long term goals, making decisions about whether to get more formal education of some kind -- those can wait for a little while. 

Slow the fuck down, Singh.(Relatively) At ease at last.:) 
P.S. As I work on getting my shit together, this song is my anthem 

Do every stupid thing that makes you feel alive

Do every stupid thing to drive to drive the dark away

Let people call you crazy for the choices that you make

Find limits past the limits      

Jump in front of trains all day

Just stay alive

Just stay alive

People might laugh at your tattoos

When they do, get new ones in completely garish hues

I hide down in my corner because I like my corner

I am happy where the vermin play

Make up magic spells, we wear them like protective shells

Landmines on the battlefield

Find the one safe way