Friday, 10 May 2013


Here’s the thing…

Ever since it became clear that I might not really get my "dream" job after my master’s, my life has been in a constant state of upheaval. i am a year away from graduating, yet 

my future job prospects - low 
PhD prospects next year - lower. ( No thanks to the (unsolicited) practical advice of a lecturer AND the GINORMOUS NET syllabi for which, honestly i dont possess the time nor the will (not the guts) to attempt to study for. 

“Getting my PhD” had been my plan for at LEAST the next three years of my life, and suddenly I had no plan. Having no plan at all is making me terribly anxious, and so I became determined to, and somewhat obsessed with, getting my entire life in order as quickly as possible, preferably before i get over my Master's. 

“Getting my life in order” is supposed to include the following tasks:
  1. Figure out what the fuck I want to do with my life.
  2. By whatever means necessary (begging for work, volunteering, part-time/freelance jobs, courses), obtain the necessary experience to be a decent candidate for either an entry-level position in my chosen field or a full-time position in a related field that would get me further necessary experience for a proper job by the time I get over my Master’s.
  3. Rearranging my social life to accommodate the NGO iv joined. (something i reely want to do)
  4. Starting regular posting at a science blog to gain experience writing.
  5. Getting over the ‘sloppy interview’ fiasco, at least to the point where I regain some reasonable level of confidence in my abilities.
  6. Get the FUCK off of Whatsapp and addictive T.V series
…there are probably some others in there, and the list is not at all in order, but that's the rough idea. Initially, I had the idea in my head that there could be no (or at least a very small) gap between my graduation and having a solid plan to follow in order to obtain the perfect career. And my personal life had to be all in order.  AND I had to be making good money, and preferably be at a “real” job, with benefits. 

As one might imagine, I was asking a little much of myself.