Monday, 23 March 2015

A Fool's Demise

They chide.  Only a fool fights the sea alone
They judge. Only a fool believes in  goodness in essentially everyone
They preach. Only a fool loves hate gback
They assume. Only a fool holds out on the love they had
They explain. Only a fool tries to fly
They insist. Only a fool burns wishes into the sky
They declare, Only a fool protests against a planet 
They disapprove.  Only a fool adopts people deemed unwanted
They scorn. Only a fool thrives in the intricacy of feeling too much
They reject. Only a fool believes that love can be enough
They scoff.  Only a fool leans against the waves
They curse.  Only a fool surrenders their life onto destiny to save
They laugh.  Only a fool moon-watches in the chance that you are watching too
They impose. Only a fool doesn't do things that we are "supposed to do"

They have made all these rules that berate me. Suffocate me.

Very well then.
I am that fool.
And you should know, 
I am okay with drowning.

And I will die fighting.