An abandoned teddybear sitting under a tree broke my heart.
A heightened wall broke my heart.
A spoiled favorite dress broke my heart.
The child hugging his parent's legs at the airport broke my heart.
The crunch of the autumn leaves as I trudged along the sidewalk has broken my heart.
The vagueness and enormity of silence broke my heart.
The infinity of rain pouring down my face broke my heart.
Watching the life dissipate from a friend broke my heart.
Witnessing the almost birth of a child broke my heart.
It is amazing how a multitude of things both random and specific break my heart sporadically, little by little. And every time I find myself feeling small and inconsequential in this big madhouse called the world, I remind myself how incredible things are right there inside me.
It finds the resilience to hold itself together just enough to be broken again.