Saturday, 7 February 2015

Better Tomorrow

Sometimes it’s hard to find a reason

To look up and force a smile

When all your senses are telling you

It may not be worthwhile

But you'll keep your head above water

It’s not your time to drown

There’s gotta be an easy way to

Wipe off distant frowns.

Some say the only way is up

When you’re in so very deep

We both' ll be thrown a ladder

Something I expect to see.

At some point we will choose to climb

When we're ready to mend the hurt

Why should we both be satisfied

To stay knee deep in dirt.

You should know that I have promised

In time, from my mind, I'll set you free

Fill your mind until it’s time

To exit your heart’s poverty

I see your plans before me

You should know that I care

So lift yourself up until it’s time

To answer your every prayer.

Monday, 2 February 2015

A Love Divided

You stand
by the sum of broken promises
waged by withdrawals of despair

I lie
As the planet you once called home
That's nearly out of air

Sunday, 18 January 2015


In a world where we live and breathe to seek
Seek to acquire,and acquire, only to search further on
Nothing compares to the pleasure received
From things simply stumbled upon

Monday, 5 January 2015

Some beginnings are enough to make you a believer

So they blame you for falling for a deceiver
Implying the end was the grand finale of his gimmick
But certain beginnings were enough to make me a believer, 
And now I choose to refuse to become a cynic

There are some things words can't express, certain emotions a breakup can't suppress,
some wishful whispers which no one can address and two-minute lasting crippling moments wherein one can't help but digress.
I am sending all of them out into the universe.
I believe someday it will reach you in some form.
I believe someday they will be the reason behind your smile.

Some beginnings are enough to make you a believer
Sometimes they are all that should matter
Enough with "Happy endings" I'l take the once upon a time
Oh, Screw the Happily Ever After.

Thursday, 1 January 2015

I Wish You Wouldn't Wait

You can be happy when you board that train back home. You can be happy when you get that perfect job. You can be happy once you get your raise. You can be happy when your reunion happens again. You can be happy reliving memories with friends distant and near. You can be happy once you are free of the trappings of life. You can be happy once the 'Correct Timing' arrives.  You can be happy once 'that one plan' falls in place. You can be happy once the fight is over. You can be happy in the train. You can be happy in the rain. 

Or you could stop, look around, take a deep breath and be happy now.

Until then, happy waiting to you. 

P.S - I wish you wouldn't wait.