Thursday, 3 July 2014

Him and Her

HIM : *stares*

          *turns and walks away*

HIM:    STOP! Please?

HER:   No. Not again.

HIM : Gimme One second!
            *Follows Her*

          You don’t get your say anymore.  
           Not.a.word. Please. Go.

HIM:  At least listen to me once.


NO. You listen to me!
*Stops and turns*
When I met you last , I poured my heart out on a piece of paper. A childish gesture one may say. With scrawls and doodles all over. But those silly rhyming words spoke a million syllables.Of how much I like you. How much I liked you in-spite of you being such a gigantic pain in the ass. If you were a better or a smarter man you would have seen that and told me something. Anything! But I will never know because you never said a word.   Who knows if you read the doodl-y bits like you were meant to.  Who knows if you understood the star and the galaxy reference. At-least I for one will never know. Thanks to you NEVER getting back to me on that. Thank you for just walking away without out so much as a word.. And now after months, hell years, if you think I will listen to your excuses just because you randomly turn up and FINALLY choose to treat me as a person who can be spoken to, then you are in for a huge disappointment. Just like I was, because since that day a year ago, I have conjured up a hundred scenarios with a hundred and one endings and right about now even though I am curious as to which way this is going, I am gonna pass because inspite of how big in sadism and mockery you are, when it comes to expressing anything along the lines of liking somebody, you SUCK! And quite honestly I don’t have the patience nor the anticipation anymore.
You have crossed the statue of limitations of walking away and you don’t have that luxury anymore  because I AM WALKING AWAY and..and...

HIM : .......I love you.
                *turns and walks away *

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Smoke & Vapour

hold onto you by every molecule.
Taking shape in the vessel you put me in.
Elevated from the moment you laid your sight on me
Extinguished, when you shone too bright on me
And for a fleeting instant
We shone together
Against the laws of nature

But then when has fire ever been known to show any mercy to anyone
It just burns.
and scorches.

And as you sear through my being
with red flames dancing through my body so cold
 beyond my threshold
As the water, loosening her grip
With every drop of its existence,
While bleeding the monsoons you showed me
And releasing the promises you owed me
 Pulled by the mirthful gravity
Will decend
and Gliding
Until I crash
Through your surface
Showing off our spectacle of passion and fury for one last time
For one fleeting moment
Before all that's left of you is just smoke.
And all thats left of me is vapour.

Smoke & Vapour
This is how it will end.
Everytime I try to quench my thirst with a cup of fire,
Or you try to use a bit of water to light your way
Because ultimately we both destroy.

We are not Incompatible.
Its just..
we are not meant to be.

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

The Rule is Not Enough

They said its impossible.
It is too little too late. 
To far fetched. 
To idealistic. 
To ridiculous. 
To dreamy.

But they also said that shores belong to the ocean 

while the stars belong to the sky
And they don't mingle
It just cannot happen.

Title :  The Stars make love to the Ocean.

Except it can.

Even the sky meets the ocean at the horizon.
And even the stars make the ocean their home at night.

I suppose the only limits that exist are the ones we impose in our head.


Wednesday, 28 May 2014

The Longing

You say desiring makes you suffer? 
from all that the heart wants what it cant have?
Try longing for a perspective,
for while desiring is wanting what you don't have, Longing is wanting what you do.

And when you do, you will try to stop it with your own hands.
I dare you not to.

Got a perspective, now did you?

Monday, 26 May 2014

The Monsoon : Between You and Me

Title : The Run of the Rains
Location : Enroute to Halebid

When it rains, the river will try and take you away from me.
When it rains every drop will add to the distance.

This time around, grey clouds fill the sky again.
This time around, grey clouds fill the sky again to rain.
This time around, grey clouds fill the sky again to rain and will push me adrift yet again.

Whether its the drop of water trickling from the heavens or one trickling down my cheeks,
This time around, I am prepared for either.

After all
After a long time.
 Monsoon is approaching.