Every story has a beginning, the middle and the end. Though nobody can deny the importance of beginnings, I have come to learn that it is easier to be a self starter than a self-finisher.
I say self-starting is easy probably because we have the least to loose when starting out on a journey. But what I write today isn’t about Beginnings.
Its about Ending’s.
Endings that involve difficult choices.
I am not talking about calling off say, a troubled relationship where the choice was catalyzed by the foresight of a new beginning already in the making.
I am talking about putting an end to it even when you have a lot to loose.You end it because you should and not just because you could.
Ending's that quite frankly, suck balls yet are a necessary evil that we HAVE to commit to at times.
Be it a career path, a bad habit or relationships, as the chapter of it's story progresses, its share of troughs and crests over time adds to the value we place in it’s existence in our lives until it becomes an indispensable part of what we think we and/our lives cant do without.. Happens to ALL of us right? Yet, when the High : Low ratio gets fucked up with the lows dominating the former in blatant proportions, over and over and the end game alarm bells start ringing, not many of us accept it for what it is. The beginning of the end. And even if we do,don't we cite counter-arguments for each probable reason to DO something about it,until it seems harmless enough to be gladly dismissed to oblivion? Unfortunately, as life would have it, what we resist persists. And the growing negetivity it brings upon us is troubling in the least and consuming at its worst. So surely albeit, slowly it grows in magnanimity. When it becomes too much to be ignored, the two major forks that ideally paves way for us is :
the route of compromise and desist and
the route of cease and resist.
Alas, Familiarity breeds comfort and most of us would rather compromise on familiar grounds than break free into the darkness of the unknown. The ones who choose the latter are Self-finishers while the rest, in addition to being the majority here, are just that- the rest of the entire world population. This is where Self Finishers pull the trigger while the rest, if at all, resorts to “destiny” to pull it for them.*eye roll*. Hasn't History/life or Harry Potter taught us enough that destiny is a bitch? A mean-spirited, evil bitch, best avoided at all costs! Anyway, that's just me but for the greater part, “Cutting an end loose” is a phrase easier spoken than done and putting an end to what you start isn't easy and by no means an obvious choice.
Ironically, nearing the end is almost always more difficult than the end itself. That walk-up to the end is almost like trying to walk against gravitational forces slow and restrictive as opposed to that final hop-skip and jump step to the other side. And accepting and choosing to make that arduous walk is where most of us falter.
From personal experience, I know that as the view of the end approaches, so does the dread of the unknown. And the thought of holding on is so much more comforting, even if it hurts for a little longer and a little stronger. .That is why I respect self finishers. It takes tons of courage and balls to put an end to a story. Self finishers are few. Self authored endings by choice and not chance exudes a powerful message to one-self and the world like no other. And I truly believe that it is the end that defines us and though we cant control when things hit rock bottom in our lives, we can choose to put an end to it. Please, muster up the courage to end things that ought to be ended. The wise man contemplates, and does in good time what the fool does finally. Don't wait to reach your saturation point to take a call as the final resort.
So whatever it may be, Make a call. Take a stand. and stick to it.
Its just.a.fuckin.Cigarette.
He is Just.A.Boy.
Life will give you tons of other better options. Don't wait for destiny to work its magic, he has millions of desperate and needy people he needs to address to and duh he aint even answerable to any of them. Make your own instead. Take a leap of faith and do/undo it. Brace the ending in order to embrace a new beginning. Sometimes the ending is just- moving on.
To All the Self Finisher’s of the World- My Respect and Salute