Showing posts with label nature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nature. Show all posts

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

The Unforgiving Night

Essaouira, Morocco, October 2016

Because I cannot sleep
I write 
Amidst sighs of anticipating the agony of tomorrow. 

Because I refuse to weep 
I write. 
Squinting at the city lights I crave to borrow. 

Because I have no reputation of an omnipotent god 
I write. 
No miracles or granting wishes power in my kitty 

Nor have I been known to be a tyrant 
Thus I write 
Even when revenge would have been befitting 

Because every decision comes at a cost 
I write
While the hush of the wake weighs down heavy 

Harrowed by the vestiges of the love that's now lost 
I write 
Disarmed and Unsteady.