Once upon a time,
You were the stubborn pumping of this aching heart.
When I would dismantle myself to put you back together again.
And I did.
But this isn't a sad story.
Once upon a time, I wanted to have with you, what the stars share with the sky.
Then life happened
and in the poetic fashion that all tragedies bear,
it tore me down to ribbons
while I watched it dance in the wind.
But this isn't a sad story.
Everytime I oscillated between
feeling complete inside to completely empty and then whole again
I knew,maybe for the first time,
what pure, unadulterated love felt like
Everytime I saw you brave uncharted territories
with your head held firm yet high
I knew, maybe for the first time,
what pride felt like.
Everytime I held your hand when you gave me reasons to walk away
I knew, maybe for the first time
what commitment felt like
And the only time, I willingly told you to go to another,
only so you could potentially find your happiness
I knew, maybe for the first time,
what sacrifice felt like
This is not a sad ending.
So what if it isn't a happy one either.