Tuesday, 14 February 2017


“She has her helmet, shield and sword. Does she finish him or take pity on the gutless thing before her?

Does she set fire and smoke him out, forcing him to fight, or does she let him live with himself and take satisfaction from knowing that he has never been in a real fight in his life and that one day he will have to face his demons in person, along with the consequences, and that both can be far more painful than anything she could ever do to him.”

― Donna Lynn Hope

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

The Unforgiving Night

Essaouira, Morocco, October 2016

Because I cannot sleep
I write 
Amidst sighs of anticipating the agony of tomorrow. 

Because I refuse to weep 
I write. 
Squinting at the city lights I crave to borrow. 

Because I have no reputation of an omnipotent god 
I write. 
No miracles or granting wishes power in my kitty 

Nor have I been known to be a tyrant 
Thus I write 
Even when revenge would have been befitting 

Because every decision comes at a cost 
I write
While the hush of the wake weighs down heavy 

Harrowed by the vestiges of the love that's now lost 
I write 
Disarmed and Unsteady. 

The Limitations of Wonderful

And so they might have the perfectly wonderful life, 
and they could spend their nights with different wonderful people, sharing their fears and wonderful fantasies.
Maybe there’d even come a day when they would forget about each other all together,
and they become nothing more than a faded memory that brings a smile to thier moist lips.

But wonderful doesn’t always mean worthwhile.