Saturday, 11 April 2015

To the Sellout seeking Peace.

Back then
A sandpit was your oasis
A dirt road, your wild west
An old tire, your 4 by 4 you would use to  cross the world
And you cherished the world at its simplest

You have your swanky holidays
And a brand new demeanor
Peripheral plans with the boys and your brand new toys
While you scramble for still more

Yes you’ve bought your dream-come-true
But really,
You’ve sold (out on) the dream
then lit a match and flicked it to
The one person always rooting for your every win

And yet
Yet today you ponder
Over the source of this reminiscent agony
And yet
You still wonder
Why does peace keep eluding your company.

Act by act. flick by flick. House to ash. Watch it sink.

-pictor quod scriptor