Saturday, 25 April 2015

Two little words that hold a world of promise.

And then

Two little words that seem to me as a prelude. A precursor to something wonderful. Like a swift, surprising transition.
From nothing to everything.

And then

And then..  there it was.. Tucked inside his pocket, a few wads of unexpected money. Lying there, waiting innocuously, to be found in case of an emergency such as exactly this.

And then.. her feeble hands softly twitched around his....and she blinked her heavily sedated eyes open to meet his. 

And then.. the phone rang, to tell her that everything she had given up... 
had been worth it.

And then.. the light pierced through the forbidden sky 
and the rain stopped falling.

And then.., she said,"I Do""

And then, his terse lips broke into a broad smile.

And then.. I met you.

Thursday, 23 April 2015

The Symphony of the Heart.


The Keys to the Door.

The door is locked.
Windows bolted.
Curtains drawn shut
Lights out.

And then there are whispers outside.
Unlock it! Open up! Let us in! NO, This is important!
and then the whispers graduate to raised voices and violent tones.
And then they scream and growl and hurl and scowl due to the long wait.

I wonder if they considered that its the darkness that's holding me back.
And I wait for the morning light to find my way to the door.

I will let them in.
I will be a better person.
Maybe tomorrow.

Thursday, 16 April 2015

....And then there were none.

She came back looking for her chalked-on pavement fairytales,

merry-go-round horses and



but this time the story ended before she had time to jump.

Only the rain came down.

melting sunshines and rainbows into the grey cement floors that cracked beneath her feet.

Saturday, 11 April 2015

To the Sellout seeking Peace.

Back then
A sandpit was your oasis
A dirt road, your wild west
An old tire, your 4 by 4 you would use to  cross the world
And you cherished the world at its simplest

You have your swanky holidays
And a brand new demeanor
Peripheral plans with the boys and your brand new toys
While you scramble for still more

Yes you’ve bought your dream-come-true
But really,
You’ve sold (out on) the dream
then lit a match and flicked it to
The one person always rooting for your every win

And yet
Yet today you ponder
Over the source of this reminiscent agony
And yet
You still wonder
Why does peace keep eluding your company.

Act by act. flick by flick. House to ash. Watch it sink.

-pictor quod scriptor

Friday, 10 April 2015

The solution that begets a problem.

She gently pushed open the door, peering into the Dark.
"I can't see you," she whispered.
(She couldn't remember why you took away her Light, and left her there, faltering.)

"You promised I'd find you here."
(She didn't know you were afraid.)

The door shut quietly behind her.

And you were the one left alone.

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

If your morning starts with me.

From the Backwaters of Pamban Beach, Rameshwaram

If you ever wake up to the morning's hush
 with a lump in your throat
me on your mind..
You should know that its just me calling out your name
or just wishing you really really hard.

The Watchful Eye

I can feel you still out there. 
And I am still waiting. 

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

The things that become everyday

I do it. You do it too.
You bear the impossible.
each day after the next,
till it almost feels normal.
and then you wonder,
Maybe it never was normal.
Maybe this is normal.
But is it?