Saloni Taneja is a real life living doll.
She's absolutely beautiful inside and out.
And today is her Happy Wala Birthday.
So basically, I have a couple of lucky ladies who are of best friend status in my life (wait, I think that makes me the lucky one), but Saloni is the cherry on top of the very chocolate-y cake. I met her in eight standard and for whatever reason the Universe decided to let me keep her for the next 10 years.

In-spite of the 1 and a half odd years of school, class and annoying classes we shared together, our friendship took deep deep roots at some point between School PTM. Math scores. Girl trouble. Boy trouble. Other girls boy troubles and other boys-girl troubles. Fiasco's. Rebellions and generally going bananas over a plethora of silly things, a handful of serious shit and random intermediary dramatic stuff

In-spite of moving out of the city 8 years ago, there is something almost celestial about us where we take up where we left off every single time we meet up, years later sometimes.
In high school, before the selfie concept took over the greater part of the world, she was one of the pioneers of photo-phillism, trying to sneak in a photo of us wherever we met, At her place. At my place. At the general stores, walking on the road. With a then-photo-spaz like myself, she would try to talk/scold/sulk/mope me into taking a snapshot of us together. Then of course as I grew up, I discovered the pleasures of Narcissism and went all out Marilyn Monroe as far as posing is concerned wherein photo-ops is one of the perfunctory activities we indulge ourselves in whenever we meet up.
Saloni baloney Taneja.
I am in the city for your Birthday probably the first time in 8 years and I gotta tell you Chick, I am stinking excited about this one
Happy Happy Budday my love.Here's to all the good, the bad, the ugly and the fugly we have witnessed together :)
See you in few hours to Celebrate!

3 years back I think. When we got inducted into the batch of selfie-dom class of 2011. |