Saturday 30 May 2015

A Blind Man's Bluff

She thinks about the first time she met him, and how she thought she saw something there behind his eyes

the spark

the soul

the kindness

but now she looks at him again and sees it was only a mirrored reflection she mistook for a sign.

it was only him-looking-at-her that made the light

and now that he looks away

his world is darkness

but with a blindness even he can't see.

Saturday 16 May 2015

When Your Future Lies in Your Past

In as many ways as pain demands to be felt. 
As urgently as Destiny's cards will themselves
 to be dealt.
So do memories whisper to our dreams to see themselves last
They're sometimes poked by our future
They're other times nudged by our past 

Friday 15 May 2015

The Final Barrier Separates Us

And then, I tried breathing my life into you
Of inhaling the sickness into me while I breathe health back into you.
And then  I clutched my eyes  tight shut
To convince myself this was a dream
A nightmare which would stop.
It had to stop.
Couldn't it see this was constricting the very air I breathe?
How could it not? 

I woke up to find the rules haven't changed.
The world has not stopped.
The critics haven't stopped criticising 
The haters haven't curbed hating
Unrest follows every tomorrow
And you have gone where I can't follow.

Hear the the words I am saying.
Heed the prayers I am praying.

Call me.
Call me to you.
Call me to where you are.