Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Premature Midlife Crisis?

Life these days

When your brain works with all the subtlety of a malicious child.
Moments of unnerving calm interspersed with phases of batshit wild.

Things He Never Said

.... I hear you
and this time
I will try to extend you a steady hand
instead of a ready retort

.... You want to know what my plan is?
My plan is that I love you 

.... and I am so so sorry  
for making your life harder 
because of that.

....  Today
That thing i promised you.
No excuses, No B.S

Brain Picking 101

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

The Unspoken and the Unheard

Dedicated To The Coolest Granma & Grampa - 

Gallant protector's of my 'vast realm'

Granma - The Queen of Unicorns and Angels

and Grampa - Santa's best friend

The day you left, my realm crumbled into ruins.