Thursday, 3 December 2015

You may Live as a Rich Beggar or a Poor Millionaire

Riuns of Hampi (Vijaynagara Empire)

You May Live Lavishly.
You Own Nothing.


A Necessary Evil

 Kunstkamera, St Petersburg,

Sometimes we need our lies.
Even the ones we tell ourselves.
Especially the ones we tell to ourselves.
those are the ones we need to hold onto most of all

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Dancing on My Own.

Name : Dancing on my own (Robyn)
Cover By Callum Scott

A Cover Infinitely better than the Original and one I currently cant get enough of.

Somewhere, a Clock is Ticking

I just wanted you to be proud.

But you always said it was better to be good than proud. To be honest than proud. To be Fair than Proud.

So I kept all my promises and appointments and I told you the truth out loud.

I loved with my heart on my sleeve even when I was crushed like a fallen leaf on the ground.

So I'm good


Be proud.

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Have you been keeping your promises lately?

Remember, not so long ago, 
with passion strung high and pursuit running deep
desirous of an outcome, amidst loosing your sleep
you whispered words of promise, ones you vowed to keep ..